Floor Rearing Nipple Drinkers

chick drinking water through nipple of floor watering system

Floor Rearing Nipple Drinkers

We should be glad for the various advantages that have evolved in-floor rearing systems for broiler chicken and their availability with CHAKRA

CHAKRA has announced the floor watering system which is a bundle of advantages for broiler chicken farmers. Covering all the challenges the broiler chicken farmers have faced with the past conventional equipment, the CHAKRA floor watering system attains an award of the most economical and most convenient watering system available for broiler birds.

  • A specially designed CL08 nipple is the keystone advantage of the CHAKRA floor watering system whose benefits are enormous. Perfectly designed and manufactured especially for the broiler bird, the CL08 nipple delivers the exact quantum of water required for the perfect growth and live-ability of a broiler bird. 
  • Consider from day 1 of the chick stage of the broiler bird to the threshold saturate day of the broiler bird, the CL08 nipple can accommodate any water habits.
  • Souvenir to the CL08 nipple is the drip cup that aids in chicken drinking water without spillage and without wastage. The over spilled water does not reach the floor which might cause dampness or neither is the water wasted by the bird with the help of a drip cup.
  • The CL08 nipple with the drip cup is the faultless combination for a watering solution for your broiler house. Enabling 8 birds to enjoy each nipple, the CHAKRA water lines in broiler sheds are the correct choice for your broiler house decisions.

poultry floor drinking system
floor watering system for broiler chicken

In addition to the water nipple, the water line is assembled by a square pipe or a round pipe of the choice which makes the watering line complete. Pre-calculated lines for the correct number of birds are again at CHAKRA which can be customized by your choice. 

The required supports and suspensions are always a call by the customer for the convenience they promise. The winch system either wall type or ceiling type for extra-long sheds is always a readily available stock with CHAKRA.

 Installation of the watering lines in broiler houses is our responsibility which will guarantee you peace of mind.


  • Bell drinkers were the methods the broiler farms used to be equipped with before the availability of the floor watering system. Bell drinkers were a menace when it came to spillage.
  • Water spillage was most observed in a bell drinker which cause the floor dust to damp and this raises untamed worms inside the cavity of the floor. The balance of a bell drinker was always hampered by the population of the birds mocking the drinker which shake the drinker to spill water.
  • The floor watering system in lines with nipples is the modern procedure that allows 8 birds on each nipple to relish the water source. Distributed watering channels and optimum water consumption help the bird not to spill water which also is accompanied by a spill-proof drip cup. Better called an anti spillage cup, the drip cup completely arrests the water spillage keeping your broiler house dry and tidy.
  • Hygiene is a factor that has to be considered on the top of a broiler house. When the water is being consumed by more than 50 random birds in a bell drinker, the water is not maintained hygiene. A contagious disease is very easily blown out through the water. Considering this factor, the bell drinker automatically loses its capability to maintain water hygiene.

chick drinking water through floor watering system

  • Water nipples release fresh water for the birds only on demand. Water is not stagnated which proves that the water to every bird is fresh and hygienic. Transmissible diseases are very common in poultry which can be prevented easily with water nipples.
Growth and liveability:
  • A hen is a minute creation. Their muscles are very tender which has been understood by CHAKRA. Considering these reasons, the nipple is given at a suitable height to the bird for comfortable water consumption by the bird. Could be a chick or an adult bird, the CHAKRA CL08 nipple is a piece of very convenient equipment for water consumption by the birds. This is added with the performance of a nipple especially made for the broiler bird which adds growth uniformity and increased liveability for the broiler.
  • The 360 action is helpful in adapting a day 1 chick to the CHAKRA nipple. The 360 action of the nipple is also enjoyable by the grower stage of the broiler which results in uniform growth of the bird. Designed with a specific delivery, the CHAKRA CL08 nipple helps the bird attain good weight which is a profit for the farmer.
  • Delivering 80-90ml/min of water, the CL08 nipple is a perfect source of water for the birds inadequate which keeps the birds healthy even in harsh temperatures. Birds relish the water supply to them through the CL08 nipple which increases the liveability of the bird even in hard challenges like temperature and humid climates.
  • No spillage of water is an added attribute to the CHAKRA watering system. This in fact keeps the poultry house tidy and clean favorably resulting in a healthy bird.

floor watering system pipe, nipple and drip cup
broiler chicks of floor watering system

  • The height adjustment of the water line is the easiest task in the CHAKRA watering system.
  • The wall type or the ceiling type winch assembled to the waterline allows the line to be adjusted as per the bird’s growth which allows convenience in the bird to consume the appropriate water as per the age and convenience for the farmer to elevate the waterline easily with the winch.
Shed evacuation:
  • Shed evacuation is a must in every 40 days for the batch cycle. Shed evacuation is a little easy by the CHAKRA watering system for broilers.
  • The pipes and the arrangements can be elevated to a height where it does not cause an obstacle for the workers during shed evacuation. Adding to this feature, the shed can be cleaned easily elevating the pipes to the uppermost level.
  • We hope your broiler house is modern.